Tuesday, January 18, 2011

9 Principles for Positive Change

Everyone is always looking for the positive side of life and in daily events.  If you're having diffuculty focusing in on where to look or what to change to bring in more positive interactions, here are some simple guidelines to follow. 
  1. Love Yourself - Don’t make limitations. If you can truly love yourself then your life experience has no limits, no boundaries.
  2. Forgive Everyone and Release the Past - When we hold something inside for any amount of time it starts to eat away at our soul. These bits of anger drain us of our life’s energy and creates sickness.
  3. Awareness - Start living consciously. Become aware of our actions, thoughts and words.
  4. Gratitude, Prosperity and Abundance - Be open to and grateful for the natural abundance that you can see everyday.
  5. Honesty - Be honest with yourself and others. With the ability to be honest with oneself and with others you will make changes in your life for the good of yourself growing.
  6. Being Positive - Start seeing the positive side of things. By thinking positive we raise our performance in everything we do.
  7. Take Responsibility for Yourself - By doing so you are better placed to start leading the life that you want and making the choices that will lead you to your own destiny.
  8. Be Open and Trusting - Let go of all fear. Trust in the process of Life. Be open to all opportunities around you. Know that the Universe is yours for the taking.
  9. Self-Care - Start looking after of yourself. Acts of self-care are acts of self-love.
You can begin by making one positive change at a time.  Choose it, implement it, and live it.  Focus on it as if it were the only change that you have an opportunity to make.  Once you are successful with this positive change, it becomes habit.  Move on to another one to implement.  In no time at all, you will be attracting more and more positive aspects into your life.

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